Convert old Negatives and Slides to Digital:
SLIDES: Humble Camera can produce high quality digital files from your mounted slides and save them to the media of your choice as well as produce prints. Bring your memories by today so that we can archive them for you.
B/W and COLOR NEGATIVES: Whether your negatives are 1 year old or over 100 years old we can scan them to CD, DVD or USB to archive them for the next generation.
Humble Camera is able to scan 110 film, 126 film, 35mm film 120 format all the way up to 8x10 sheet negatives.
Slides and Negative Scanning Prices
35mm Negative or Transparency
.99 cents per frame
$5 minimum
Qty 50-100 / .75 cents per frame
120 Negative or Transparency
$1.99 per frame
$5 minimum
Qty 50-100 $1.49 per frame
4x5, 5x7, 8x10 Negative or Transparency
$2.99 per frame
Qty 50-100 $2.49 per frame
110,126 Negative or Transparency
.99 cents per frame
$5 minimum
Qty 50-100 .75 cents per frame
Print Scanning
Up to 8x10 @300dpi
$2.99 each
$5 minimum
Qty 50-100 $1.99 each